America's largest farmer-led, farmer-focused agricultural & educational experience!

Sponsor Education

76% of farmers list education as a top reason they attend Commodity Classic.


All 2025 Commodity Classic exhibitors are invited to submit education sponsorship proposals by the appropriate dates noted below. All sponsorship contributions will be applied to Commodity Classic sponsor levels.


Four primary of educational sponsorships are available.

Learning Centers (includes Opening, Early Risers, & Regular Learning Centers)

Mini What’s New Sessions

What’s New Sessions

Commodity Classic Main Stage



Important Dates:


Learning Centers (includes Opening, Early Risers, & Regular Learning Centers) 

June 26, 2024                  Proposals Due 

August 1, 2024               Notifications to all companies submitting proposals

October 1, 2024             Deadline for Session Details for publication on Commodity Classic website

January 10, 2025           Deadline for updates or changes to session details to be included in (the printed onsite program booklet, signage, website, and mobile app)


Mini What’s New Sessions

October 23, 2024           Proposals Due

December 6, 2024         Notifications to all companies submitting proposals

January 10, 2025            Deadline for updates or changes to session details to be included in the printed onsite program booklet, signage, website and mobile app.

February 6, 2025           PowerPoint Presentation Due


What’s New Sessions

October 23, 2024           Proposals Due

December 6, 2024         Notifications to all companies submitting proposals

January 10, 2025            Deadline for updates or changes to session details to be included in the printed onsite program booklet, signage, website and mobile app.

February 6, 2025           PowerPoint Presentation Due


Commodity Classic Main Stage presented by Successful Farming

October 23, 2024           Sponsorship commitment due in order to be recognized in print ad in Successful Farming magazine

January 10, 2025            Sponsorship commitment due in order to be recognized in show materials, including onsite signage, website, and mobile app


How to Apply:


Commodity Classic utilizes a software program, Pheedloop, to gather all educational proposals. You’ll create a login when you click on the Proposal Form links below, and throughout the planning cycle, Commodity Classic asks that you return to your approved submission to update your session’s information so that we have all information in one place.


Click on the appropriate proposal submission button below.


Learning Centers (includes Opening Learning Center, Early Riser Learning Centers, & Regular Learning Centers)


Proposals Due: June 26, 2024


Session Details (+ click to expand)

Learning Centers are neutral, content-rich educational sessions designed to address a wide range of current industry issues, provide unique perspectives, offer creative solutions and strategies, and challenge attendees to think differently about their businesses. 


Learning Centers are not intended for the sponsoring company to sell or promote their products or services. They should not be perceived by the attendees as a sales pitch or commercial. If you have a proposal that is commercial in nature, please consider sponsoring a What’s New Session or Mini What’s New Session instead.


Learning Centers also provide attendees the opportunity to receive CEUs toward the American Society of Agronomy’s Certified Crop Adviser program, for which Commodity Classic will apply for each qualifying Learning Center. 


CEU Categories


Proposals will be reviewed by the Commodity Classic Affiliates Council in July 2024 for approval and placement in the 2025 education schedule. Session times and dates will be assigned by Commodity Classic.


Learning Center sponsors are recognized as Bronze Level sponsors! As a Bronze Level sponsor, your company will be recognized throughout the entire show experience everywhere we thank and acknowledge our sponsors. Your company will stay top-of mind with the industry's top producers through this additional recognition.


Format Options:

Opening Learning Center Session (+ click to expand)


Sponsorship Fee: $16,000

(Sponsor responsible for speaker expenses: travel, housing, meals, etc.)


The Opening Learning Center Session is a unique opportunity for 2025. Scheduled for midday on Sunday, March 2, the Opening Learning Center Session follows the worship service and pancake brunch. It will be the first educational session of the conference and kicks off an afternoon of educational sessions immediately after, and followed by trade show open time. It is not scheduled against other educational sessions or trade show open hours. 


Commodity Classic’s vision for this special session is one that features a topic or speaker that appeals to the entire Classic audience. You might consider proposing a professional speaker(s) who is dynamic, inspirational, a futurist, and/or an expert in their chosen field. Something to start our week off with energy, ideas, and knowledge. This session, like all Learning Centers, should not be product-focused. 


Number Available: 1
When: Sunday, March 2, 11:30 a.m.
Length: 60 minutes





Early Riser Learning Center Sessions (+ click to expand)


Sponsorship Fee: $16,000

(Sponsorship fee includes coffee and breakfast pastries offered at the session. Sponsor responsible for speaker expenses: travel, housing, meals, etc.)


The Early Riser Learning Center Session is not scheduled against the trade show or other educational sessions. Subject matter for this session should be of high interest to all attendees. Popular topics include marketing, production, state of the industry, new trends in agriculture, and/or feature well-known speakers or farmers. This session, like all Learning Centers, should not be product-focused.


Number Available: 1 

When: Monday, March 3, 7:00 a.m.  

Length: 60 minutes





Learning Centers (+ click to expand)


Sponsorship Fee: $8,000

(Sponsor responsible for speaker expenses: travel, housing, meals, etc.)


Number Available: up to 17 

When: Monday, March 3 (afternoon) and Tuesday, March 4 (morning & afternoon)

Length: 45 and 60 minutes


Schedule Notes: These Learning Centers are scheduled concurrently (2 or 3 per time slot) and during trade show hours. The 45-minute Learning Centers will be held on Monday and Tuesday. The 60-minute Learning Centers will be held on Tuesday. Session times and dates will be assigned by Commodity Classic.


Submission Guidelines (+ click to expand)

Submission Deadline is June 26, 2024.


Learning Centers are not intended for the sponsoring company to sell or promote their products or services. They should not be perceived by the attendees as a sales pitch or commercial. If you have a proposal that is commercial in nature, please consider sponsoring a What’s New Session or Mini What’s New Session instead.


All topics are welcome. The Commodity Classic Affiliates Council, who will choose the sessions to be presented in Denver, has also asked for proposals on the following topics:

  • Farm Finances (farm credit/financing, succession planning lawyer, farm lease agreements, how to reduce farm expenses)
  • HR issues on the farm (improving communications, workforce retention, investing in younger generation)
  • Soil Nutrition and Biologicals
  • Farmer Mental Health
  • Carbon Intensity Scoring
  • FBI Session
  • Climate Change (what is coming and how do we adapt on the farm?)

Preference will be given to sessions that include panels with:

  • Well-known names in ag 
  • Farmers 
  • Diversity (gender, ethnicity, age, etc.)

Only complete proposals, including CEU category and billing information, will be considered.


Sponsors are welcome to submit more than one session. If doing so, please let Commodity Classic staff know which session is most important to you.


An invoice will be sent upon notification of selection.


Required Session Details (+ click to expand)

  • Session description to catch attendees’ interest (75-100 words)*
  • Session title* 
  • Sponsoring company’s name** 
  • Speakers’ full names and titles (Unconfirmed speakers can be listed as “invited.”)
  • Short biography for each speaker
  • Photograph of each speaker (color, minimum 300 dpi .jpg or .tif file format) in which speaker is facing the camera (can be submitted after session acceptance)
  • Signed recording waivers by sponsors and speakers (submitted after session acceptance)

* Session titles and descriptions may be edited by Commodity Classic for style and length and will be published in applicable show materials. 


** Companies recognized as the sponsor must be exhibitors in the 2025 trade show. The education sponsor name must match the exhibitor name.



What Does My Investment Include? (+ click to expand)

  • Session published in Commodity Classic event materials including onsite program booklet, mobile app, and website (deadlines must be met to be included) 
  • Recognition of your company as a sponsor of your session in Commodity Classic materials including onsite program booklet, mobile app, and website 
  • Professional video recording of your session for your company’s use (signed recording waiver required) 
  • Meeting room entrance sign with sponsoring company's name and session title 
  • Meeting room with head table on riser and audience seating 
  • Standard audio-visual in each room 
  • Complimentary registration for your Learning Center session speakers 
  • Attendee feedback from your session evaluations 
  • Aggregate demographics of farmer-attendees at your session 
  • Sponsorship qualifies the sponsoring company as a Bronze Level sponsor, which includes the opportunity to host a press conference. Additional fee and deadline applies for press conference.



Optional Promotion of Commodity Classic Social Media Platforms: Additional $500 Fee (+ click to expand)


For a $500 fee (in addition to the applicable sponsorship fee), Commodity Classic will highlight your Learning Center Session on its social media platforms prior to the 2025 show as follows: 


  • One Facebook non-exclusive post prior to the 2025 Commodity Classic
  • One X non-exclusive post prior to the 2025 Commodity Classic


Currently Commodity Classic social media platforms have the following audiences (as of May 2024):


  • Facebook Follows: 8.7K / Likes: 7.6K
  • X Followers: 10.7K


Content for this social media promotion will be gleaned from the information provided in your proposals plus any updates Commodity Classic receives prior to December 2024.



Mini What’s New Sessions


Proposals Due: October 23, 2024


Session Details (+ click to expand)

Mini What’s New Sessions are a unique opportunity for exhibiting companies to highlight their newest, most innovative product or service to Commodity Classic attendees. A series of back-to-back, 5-minute presentations in a fast-paced 90-minute window, this session is an opportunity for you to give a brief introduction to your key innovations and invite attendees to visit your exhibit on the Trade Show floor.


Mini What’s News will be presented on the Main Stage in the Trade Show.


When: Monday, March 3 (morning)


Sponsorship Fee: $2,400


In December, Commodity Classic will provide a PowerPoint template to all chosen sponsors. Sponsors should create their 5-6 slide deck using this template. The completed deck should be emailed back to Commodity Classic by February 2025. Commodity Classic will have all sponsors’ slides ready for the session – speakers need only bring themselves and any notes they need to the session.




Submission Guidelines (+ click to expand)

Submission Deadline is October 23, 2024.


Product or service to be showcased as a 2025 Mini What’s New Session may not have been placed on the market earlier than the previous Commodity Classic (March 2, 2024). You may submit individual proposals for as many products or services that qualify.


Please forward product/service information even if regulatory approval is pending. In terms of crop protection products, a totally new compound of new and pre-existing chemistry is acceptable. 


Once a product is presented as a What’s New or Mini What’s New session, it will no longer be eligible for presentation in these sessions in future years.


Mini What’s New proposals are evaluated objectively by the Commodity Classic Affiliates Council with emphasis on the following criteria (listed in order of significance):


  • Is it new since the last Commodity Classic? Preference is given to products and services to be introduced at 2025 Commodity Classic.
  • Uniqueness of product/service
  • Value of product/service to agriculture
  • Appeal of product/service to Commodity Classic audience

Highlight how the presentation will help an attendee solve a problem, overcome a challenge or launch a new initiative, and how what they will learn will directly impact their work/life.


Please complete a separate application for each proposal. 


We will not consider incomplete submissions.


An invoice will be sent upon notification of selection.



Required Session Details (+ click to expand)

Submission Deadline is October 23, 2024.


  • Session title
  • Sponsoring company’s name*

* Companies recognized as the sponsor must be exhibitors in the 2025 trade show. The education sponsor name must match the exhibitor name.



What Does My Investment Include? (+ click to expand)


  • Session title/sponsor published in Commodity Classic event materials including on-site program booklet, mobile app, and website (deadlines must be met to be included)
  • Podium on riser and audience seating
  • Standard audio-visual
  • Moderator to introduce your presenter




What’s New Sessions


Proposals Due: October 23, 2024


Session Details (+ click to expand)


What’s New sessions are an opportunity to showcase your company’s new products or services in a 30-minute session that allows you to go into details and engage in conversations with farmer-attendees. Your session can feature company representatives, experts and/or customers.


When: Sunday, March 2 (afternoon) & Monday, March 3 (morning)


What’s New sessions are held in classrooms concurrent with other What’s New sessions on Sunday and concurrent with other What’s New sessions and Trade Show hours on Monday, giving attendees plenty of time to visit your booth for more information.


Sponsorship Fee: $10,000



Submission Guidelines (+ click to expand)


Submission Deadline is October 23, 2024.


Product or service to be showcased as a 2025 What’s New Session may not have been placed on the market earlier than the previous Commodity Classic (March 2, 2024). You may submit individual proposals for as many products or services that qualify.


Please forward product/service information even if regulatory approval is pending. In terms of crop protection products, a totally new compound of new and pre-existing chemistry is acceptable. 


Once a product is presented as a What’s New or Mini What’s New session, it will no longer be eligible for presentation in these sessions in future years.


What’s New proposals are evaluated objectively by the Commodity Classic Affiliates Council with emphasis on the following criteria (listed in order of significance):


  • Is it new since the last Commodity Classic? Preference is given to products and services to be introduced at 2025 Commodity Classic.
  • Uniqueness of product/service
  • Value of product/service to agriculture
  • Appeal of product/service to Commodity Classic audience
  • Are there plans to include a farmer/farmer panel in the session?


Highlight how the presentation will help an attendee solve a problem, overcome a challenge or launch a new initiative, and how what they will learn will directly impact their work/life.


Please complete a separate application for each proposal. In a situation where committee members may need to choose between multiple sessions from the same sponsor, please indicate the session that is most important to you.


We will not consider incomplete submissions.


An invoice will be sent upon notification of selection.


Required Session Details (+ click to expand)


  • Session description to catch attendees’ interest (40-50 words)*
  • Session title* 
  • Sponsoring company’s name** 
  • Speakers’ full names and titles 
  • Short biography for each speaker 
  • Photograph of each speaker (color, minimum 300 dpi .jpg or .tif file format) in which speaker is facing the camera 
  • Signed recording waivers by sponsors and speakers 


* Session titles and descriptions may be edited by Commodity Classic for style and length and will be published in the onsite booklet, Commodity Classic website and mobile app. 


** Companies recognized as the sponsor must be exhibitors in the 2025 trade show. The education sponsor name must match the exhibitor name.



What Does My Investment Include? (+ click to expand)


  • Session published in Commodity Classic show event materials including onsite program booklet, mobile app, and website (deadlines must be met to be included) 
  • Commodity Classic will be doing extra promotions around What’s New sessions scheduled on Sunday, so farmers know to come early to the center to collect their badge and attend these sessions before the trade show opens that day
  • Recognition of your company as a sponsor of your session in Commodity Classic materials including on-site program booklet, mobile app, and website 
  • Professional video recording of your session for your company’s use (signed recording waiver required) 
  • Meeting room entrance sign with sponsoring company's name and session title 
  • Meeting room with head table on riser and audience seating 
  • Standard audio-visual in each room 
  • Attendee feedback from your session evaluations 
  • Aggregate demographics of farmer-attendees at your session 
  • You may collect attendee leads at your session
  • What’s New sponsors are recognized as Bronze Level sponsors! As a Bronze Level sponsor, your company will be recognized throughout the entire show experience everywhere we thank and acknowledge our sponsors. Your company will stay top-of mind with the industry's top producers through this additional recognition.
  • As a Bronze Level Sponsor, sponsors receive the opportunity to host a press conference. Additional fee and deadline applies.



Optional Promotion of Commodity Classic Social Media Platforms: Additional $500 Fee (+ click to expand)


For a $500 fee (in addition to the applicable sponsorship fee), Commodity Classic will highlight your What’s New Session on its social media platforms prior to the 2025 show as follows: 


  • One Facebook non-exclusive post prior to the 2025 Commodity Classic 
  • One X non-exclusive post prior to the 2025 Commodity Classic 


Currently Commodity Classic social media platforms have the following audiences (as of May 2024): 


  • Facebook Follows: 8.7K / Likes: 7.6K  
  • X Followers: 10.7K 


Content for this social media promotion will be gleaned from the information provided in your proposals plus any updates Commodity Classic receives prior to December 2024.




Commodity Classic Main Stage


Commodity Classic Main Stage presented by Successful Farming

Number Available: 6 

When: Monday, March 3 & Tuesday, March 4

Typical Audience: 175-250 per session 


The Commodity Classic Main Stage presented by Successful Farming is located on the trade show floor and features programming during show hours on Monday and Tuesday.


• Sponsors choose from a menu of Successful Farming content to be held on the Main Stage.


• Topics include agronomy, technology, marketing, equipment, and the next generation of farmers.


• Successful Farming will develop and produce these 45-minute sessions.


• Package includes sponsor’s live 5-minute intro prior to the session, sponsor-provided video message (up to 5 minutes) played during breaks/transitions on the Main Stage, display banners on, and your logo on full-page Main Stage promo ad in one issue of Successful Farming magazine and on signage surrounding the Main Stage area.


• Additional sponsorships available with the Main Stage include a Premier FFA Sponsorship, CEO Showcase, and Trade Show Floor interviews.


For more information on all Main Stage sponsorship opportunities please contact Abby Podkul. You do NOT need to fill out a proposal in PheedLoop for the Main Stage opportunities.



For questions about Commodity Classic education sessions, please contact:


Abby Podkul

Director, ASA Meetings & Conventions

American Soybean Association

O: 314.754.1345 C: 314.517.5971



For information about other Commodity Classic sponsorship opportunities, please contact:


Abby Podkul

Director, ASA Meetings & Conventions

American Soybean Association

O: 314-754-1345 C: 314-517-5971




Maureen Feck

Commodity Classic Show Director

Phone: 773-329-7561
